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Freja Rasmussen

2021-2022 SCHOOL YEAR!

2021-2022 SCHOOL YEAR!

Welcome back! We are very happy to be back in school for this school year. It has gotten off to a great start. Please be sure to check in with your child about their Homework /Home-School folders at the beginning of each week. I would like these folders and any work to be returned by the end of the same week.


I am not planning to work much with Google Classroom this school year. However, I may add some links to learning links and extra assignments as we get settled into a routine this year. Students may have science materials from their science teacher.


We need your help with photos!  We need parent volunteers to help take pictures -the more the merrier. We are looking for the first day of school, harvest festival, art project, class party, food harvest, knitting hats, toys for tots, class activity, 1st grade's 50th day of school, school wide spirit days, spelling bee, 3rd grade mini fair, science fair, candid, 6th grade science camp, field trips, 2nd grade luau picnic, and assembly photos, etc. Don't forget classroom celebrations too!

This year we have added a new easy way to submit photos for the yearbook. Just email your photos anytime to and we'll do the rest! Just use the subject line for the caption and the body of your email to give us the description. 

Thank you in advance!


Home work will be sent home at the beginning of each week. Homework is intended for skills practice. Some of the homework will be related to classroom themes as well. Please be sure to remind your child to write in their blue folders each week. If there is no topic provided, students may write about a book they  are reading or about a topic of their choosing. It is mandatory that students read at least 20-25 minutes per night. This year I ask that students shade in their minutes on their reading chart. This is a motivational way to track their reading progress. Reading aloud to a family member provides excellent fluency practice. Home work is due every Friday! I ask students to bring their homework packets to school if they have any questions. This way we can support them in bringing a complete packet on Friday. Remember: Your child benefits greatly from your participation and help.
Note: Some students may have additional homework from other classes. This will be sent managed on an individual basis.


Each 6th grade student at Valencia participates in a service team that helps other students in same way. Our 6th grade students have elected to participate in Safety Team and Green Team. Ask your child about this! My hope is for each student to  have the chance to contribute to their school.
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